Test Results
You think of yourself as being Mysterious, Peaceful, Soothing, and Calm. |
Others think of you as being Loyal, Silent, Good listener, and Faithful. |
Your relationships can be described as Vast, Calm, Peaceful, and Deep. |
When stressed, you feel Peaceful. |
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Duh. I feel peaceful when stressed?? Duh.

Bravo, you are the canon coupling of mankin,YohXAnna. You are unable to admit your strongest feelings for your true love, even though it seems that both of you know you will be together someday.
While you are strong, or maybe a little too
carefree, you seem to attract those around you. Wanting to be with the person you love is not a crime, but it is something that you will never admit to. Such a shame... But if anyone makes a
remark about it to you, you'll either wave it
off as nothing or backhand them across the face.
What Shaman King Couple Are You? brought to you by QuizillaThis is something which I
absolutely have to post.. hehe. My favorite Manga/Anime. ^_^

What Ragnarok Character Should You Be?
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